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Dr. Josette Camilleri (M)
- Evidence for a paradigm shift in root canal obturation
- Choosing the right material for pulp protection
- The non-odontogenic toothache – Part 1 & 2
Dr. Stephane Simon (F)
- How do we do classical root canal treatments in France?
- The concept of revitalization procedures
Prof. Bodil Lund (N)
- Infections – current and future challenges in odontology (part I & II)
Jeffrey Okeson (US) – CV og abstracts
- Understanding how the brain processes pain
- The phenomena of pain referral
- The non-odontogenic toothache – Part 1 & 2
Michael Lindtoft (DK) – CV og abstracts
- Asymptomatisk apikal parodontitis på den rodbehandlede tand. Skal jeg behandle nu eller observere? – handouts
Andreas Riis (DK) – CV og abstracts
- Filfrakturer! Hva’ skete der og er det et problem – handouts
Henrik Nielsen (DK)
- Erstatning for den knækkede rodfil?
Antonis Chaniotis (GR)
- Management of Severe Curvatures and Complex Anatomy with controlled memory files: A New Approach
- Saving hopeless teeth with regenerative endodontic procedures
Lise-lotte Kirkevang (DK)
- Endodonti i Danmark. Hvor er vi og hvor er vi på vej hen?
Eduardo Couve (CL)
- The Dentin-pulp interface a view from Valparaíso
Ulla Pallesen (DK)
- Koronal forsegling af endodonti behandlede tænder (I & II)
Christos Boutsioukis (NL) – CV og abstracts
- A critical view on irrigant activation methods
- An evidence-based approach to sodium hypochlorite accidents
Arnaldo Castellucci (I) – CV og abstracts
- Difficulties and treatment solutions around retreatments
- How to: Removing root filling materials and posts
- How to: Find hidden canal orifices
- Warm vertical obturation. Technique, Tips & Tricks
Jan Berghmans (B) – CV og abstracts
- Hit & Miss? – The Diagnostic Quiz!
- Breaking News about Cracked Teeth
Domenico Ricucci (I) – CV og abstracts
- Biofilms in Endodontics – handouts
- Wound Healing of Apical and Periapical Tissues Following Endodontic Treatment – handouts
Shanon Patel (GB) – CV og abstracts
- BLACK HOLES – Radiographic Diagnosis of Periapical Periodontitis using CBCT
- PINK SPOTS – Diagnosis & Management of External Cervical Resorption
George Bogen (USA) – CV
- The multifaceted use of MTA – abstract
Eva Lauridsen (DK) – CV
- Tandtraumer – kombinationsskader – abstract
Mads Juul (DK)
- Inspiration til endokassetten – handouts
Markus Haapasalo (CAN)
- Biofilms, new materials and multisonic instrumentation – abstract
Marga Ree (NL) – CV
Paul Lambrechts (B) – CV
Paula Ng
- Outcome of root canal treatment; The Eastman Study – abstract og CV
Lars Bjørndal (DK) – CV
- Endodontic treatment: reasons, prevention and quality-shaping factors – handouts
Ghassan Yared (CAN)
- Single file reciprocation – abstract og CV
Matthias Zehnder (CH)
- Endo med fokus på skylning og revision – abstract og CV
Julian Webber (UK) – CV